
Digitization / Conversion

We can convert most video formats into other commonly used formats. Some examples for converting are: deposition synchronization; audio/video synchronization; unable to see/hear current format; reduce file size; and produce to other parties. We can also capture videos from YouTube and proprietary video players (i.e.: surveillance video cameras and dash cameras)....
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Audio/Video Synchronization

If a deposition was videographed then we convert the video into a high quality format and synchronize it. Other audio or video media can be synchronized, as well if there is a transcript. Synchronization matches the video to the transcript which allows us to play specific portions of the audio/video. You can designate a portion […]...
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Deposition Testimony Clip Creation

We keep depositions in a digital database specifically designed for your case, which allows for quick access and searching. If the deposition was videographed then we convert the video into a high quality format and synchronize it. Deposition synchronization matches the video to the transcript which allows us to play specific portions of testimony. You […]...
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Deposition Synchronization

If a deposition was videographed then we convert the video into a high quality format and synchronize it. Other audio or video media can be synchronized, as well if there is a transcript. Synchronization matches the video to the transcript which allows us to play specific portions of the audio/video. You can designate a portion […]...
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In-Trial Digital Evidence Presentations

When you are in trial, the last thing you want to be worrying about is finding exhibits. You want to identify an exhibit for the witness to review and it "magically" appears on whatever screen they are looking at. Everything should work and happen at the push of a few buttons. When you work with […]...
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